Jan 20, 2025  
2019-2020 Academic Catalog 
2019-2020 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

School Year/Learning Options

School Year

Please consult the college’s Schedule of Credit Classes Bulletin or Academic Calendar for specific beginning and ending dates of the semesters/sessions.

Fall Semester

Classes for the fall semester begin the latter part of August and conclude before Christmas. Grade and scholastic standing reports are made available to students late in December. Formal graduation ceremonies are held at the end of the fall semester.

Spring Semester

Classes for the spring semester begin the middle part of January and conclude in early May. Formal graduation ceremonies are held at the end of the spring semester.

Maymester Session

Odessa College offers a mini-semester between the end of the spring semester and the beginning of summer school if the calendar allows. This mini-semester is similar to Odessa College’s midwinter semester and will allow students to enroll in a three-hour course, which, together with both summer sessions will provide the opportunity to do the normal course work for a normal semester. This schedule opportunity is open to all college students who would like to maximize their number of semester hours in the summer.

Summer Sessions I and II

The summer sessions consist of two terms of approximately five weeks each and one eight-week term, although some programs may have courses that are shorter or longer, depending upon the need. Classes are held Monday through Thursday, during both day and evening hours. Students may enroll in as many as seven semester hours in each five week session.

Credit earned in a course is equivalent to that offered in the same course during a regular semester. Information regarding summer sessions can be obtained from the OC Pathways Advising Center.

Midwinter Semester

OC offers a special short-term session to accommodate students who want to complete a course during the interim period between regularly-scheduled semesters. A midwinter interim session is held following the end of the fall semester and prior to the beginning of the spring semester. Students may complete only one course during this special session.

Day and Evening Classes

Day and evening classes are available to help OC students meet their individual needs. A wide variety of courses is offered for those individuals who want to broaden their educational backgrounds.

Students may complete requirements for an associate degree or certificate plan in most programs during evening hours, although the length of time to complete the programs may be longer than suggested for full-time day students.

Weekend College

Odessa College’s Weekend College offers students alternatives for those unable to attend college during a traditional time frame.

Weekend College Features:

  • Standard eight-week format classes that meet once a week on Friday evening, Saturday mornings, or Saturday afternoons.
  • The opportunity to complete the entire core curriculum of the Associate of Arts (A.A.), Associate of Science (A.S.) or the Associate of Arts in Teaching (A.A.T)
  • Additional courses in selected majors are offered for students who wish to earn an A.A., A.S., or A.A.T. degree and many students transfer to a four-year institution to earn a bachelor’s degree.
  • Developmental courses that improve the basic skills of students whose academic foundation needs strengthening are available.

Weekend College is here to help…

  • Individuals unable to attend weekday or evening classes due to travel requirements, overtime hours, varied or rotating shifts.
  • Single parents or stay-at-home parents.
  • Students wanting to accelerate their academic progress.
  • Individuals anticipating a career change.
  • People working full-time seeking advancement.
  • Individuals planning to re-enter the job market or beginning a new career.
  • Anyone whose family or professional responsibilities make it difficult to attend regular classes during the week.

Weekend College students are held to the same academic performance standards as traditional students and Weekend College course content matches the college’s weekday offerings. Weekend College students must apply and be accepted to Odessa College in order to enroll in Weekend College classes. No special permission is needed to enroll in Weekend College and registration is through Web Advisor, or your Success Coach, as with traditional courses.

For more information, please contact the Division of Arts & Sciences at 432.335.6412 or Wrangler Express at 432.335.6400.

Distance Education

OC offers accredited completely online courses.

WebEx (Video Conferencing) Courses

These courses are broadcasted live through the Internet using our WebEx videoconferencing system. Students are able to interact with their instructors in real-time using instant messaging, whiteboard and webcam tools. Students participate in these courses from home or at one of our extension centers.

Virtual College of Texas (VCT)

VCT allows students to take online classes or begin work on an online degree from a partner college if the course or degree is not readily available at Odessa College. Students have access to hundreds of online courses from colleges throughout the state. Starting and ending dates may vary from those of Odessa College’s courses. For a list of courses and online degrees offered through VCT go to: http://www.vct.org/. To register for a VCT course or program, call 432-335-6508.

Extension Centers

The Pecos Technical Training Center provides many of the courses, both credit and Continuing Education, that are offered on the Odessa College main campus. Odessa College also offers classes and programs although more limited in number and scope, at extension sites in Monahans, Andrews, and Big Bend.

Students registering for classes at the Pecos Center may register at that center during the designated registration time for Pecos. Students have the option of registering online, the extension center or on the OC main campus.

Registration dates and times are listed in the schedule of credit classes for each semester. Area newspapers and radio stations also carry notices of registration dates and times.

Information about classes offered at any of the extension sites is available online or on campus from the OC Pathways Advising Center and the Wrangler Express. Specific information about course offerings at the Pecos Technical Training Center is also available from the center staff 432-445-5535 or 432-335-6809.

More info can be viewed online at https://www.odessa.edu/community/extension-sites/index.html.

Career and Technical Programs

Odessa College offers a wide variety of technical programs that focus on the high-wage, high-skill, and high demand career fields of the 21st century. These programs enable students to enter their chosen career fields as skilled employees after one or two years of college work.

These programs are designed to meet local, regional, and statewide labor-market needs and increase the employability of students. Our innovative yet realistic approach to career and technical education is made possible through the support of local industry, businesses and public agencies that look to the community college for skilled personnel. New programs are added following a data-driven process that incorporates community workforce needs, student interests, and economic factors.

OC continually works with prospective employers to assist in placement of graduates and to keep programs up-todate with current job requirements. Essential occupational skills are taught in these classes by faculty who have years of working experience, as well as appropriate academic credentials.

Career and Technical programs carry college credit leading to an associate in applied science degree, a certificate of technology or a certificate of completion. Additionally, many career and technical programs provide opportunities for students to earn industry-recognized licensures or credentials, or transfer to four-year universities.

Continuing Education and Workforce Training

Odessa College offers a wide variety of short-term, non-credit courses and training programs in the areas of personal enrichment, professional development and job skill enhancement. These courses range from one-day workshops to one-year programs. Continuing education units (CEUs) are awarded for successful completion of most courses. Many professionals may obtain CEUs for certification and licensure requirements.

Non-credit courses, seminars, and workshops offer a wide range of topics intended to accommodate individuals of all ages and interests. We offer face-to-face and online class options. There are no entrance requirements for most continuing education courses. A schedule of classes is available from the Continuing Education Office in Gregory D. Williams Hall Hall, by calling 432-335-6580, and on the web at https://www.odessa.edu/community/ce/index.html.

Workforce Development Training for Business and Industry

Your company’s employee training needs, like its products, are unique. Odessa College Continuing Education and Workforce Development works with you to provide training and education to meet those needs. We provide quality, cost-effective workforce training that can be customized around your industry and your employees. You can enroll employees in courses taught on the main campus, at one of our extension sites, or we can bring the course to your facility.

Adult Basic Education (ABE)

Odessa College offers basic education classes for adults who have not completed high school and English classes for adults whose first language is not English. During a typical school year, enrollment in Adult Basic Education classes averages 800 students. The Texas Educating Adults Management System Report shows a total of 767 students were enrolled in the 2010-2011 academic year. Of those, 40 students were enrolled at the Adult Secondary Education (ASE) level. Odessa College’s ABE Program has met or surpassed 100% of State and Federal Performance Standards for the past eight years.

Adult Basic Education classes range from basic instruction, through advance secondary education and prepare adults to successfully complete the state administered high school equivalency General Education Development (GED) test. An online GED Preparation and Ready for Work Program has been implemented in Alpine and Big Bend. Funding was received to expand this program to Andrews, Kermit, Pecos and Odessa for 2011. This will allow student to pursue their GED preparation in class, at home and wherever they have internet connections.

English language instruction is offered for out-of-school adults whose first language is not English. Odessa College provides five levels of progressive instruction in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Interactive listening and computer labs supplement classroom instruction with student access to the Internet.

The main goal of the department is to serve adults who are functioning below the postsecondary level of education and who lack sufficient mastery of basic educational skills to enable them to function effectively in society. As well as, assist students who are unable to speak, read, or write the English language.

For more information on classes, registration dates, and requirements, contact the Adult Basic Education department at 432-335-6380 or come to the office in Annex B or see https://www.odessa.edu/community/adult-education-and-literacy/index.html.

Community Recreation

Classes offered through the college’s Community Recreation program allow people of all ages to learn or improve in a number of lifetime activities.

The department’s mission is to promote health and wellness to our campus and community by providing healthy lifestyle activities and programs in a supportive and educational environment.

The 110,000 sq. ft. recreational and fitness center offers:

  • Heated Indoor Pool
  • Water Slide
  • Group Fitness Classes
  • Zumba and Aqua Zumba
  • Water Aerobics Classes
  • Weight Room
  • Cardio Center
  • Aerobic/Dance Studio
  • Indoor and Outdoor Tracks
  • Basketball
  • Volleyball
  • Racquetball
  • Tennis
  • Equipment Checkout
  • Swim Lessons
  • K-12 Summer Camps
  • Lifeguarding Classes
  • Hunter Safety Classes
  • MORE!

❖ Two gyms – one varsity gym and ICA community gym
❖ Facility and pool rentals are available.

Contact the Facility Contracts Office at 432-335-6754 for more information.

OC encourages community residents to utilize the facility by purchasing an annual or semester membership. For more information on enrolling in classes or purchasing a membership, stop by the OC Sports Center Front Office, visit www.wranglersports.com or call 432-335-6FIT (6348).