Feb 16, 2025
2018-2019 Academic Catalog V 71 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
TECA 1354 - Child Growth & Development CIP Code: 13.12025209 Credit(s): 3 A study of the principles of normal child growth
and development from conception to adolescence.
The student will demonstrate knowledge of
principles of growth and development; normal
developmental stages in physical cognitive
social and emotional domains; major theories of
development i.e. behavioral cognitive language
acquisitions developmental; the impact of
developmental processes on early childhood
practices; types and techniques of objective
observation; the importance of play in
development; and biological and environmental
influences on growth and development. The student
will demonstrate skills in the practical
application of developmental principles and
theories objective observation techniques and
recognition of normal growth and evelopmental
patterns. 3
Faculty Consent: N