Jan 24, 2025  
2018-2019 Academic Catalog V 71 
2018-2019 Academic Catalog V 71 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Departmental Placement & Success Requirements


An effective citizen must read well; therefore, reading courses develop efficient tools for use in both the academic and workplace environment. All professional fields require above-average abilities in reading.

Developing awareness of the competencies underlying effective reading and insight into the psychology of reading will be excellent preparation for those interested in reading as an academic major. Reading specialists, reading supervisors and reading clinicians are all in great demand at all levels of education. These courses implement multimedia, including computerized instruction, and support the philosophy that a person’s ultimate reading potential is never reached. Because effective study skills predominately depend on precise reading abilities, learning methods are an integrated element in the curriculum. Time spent in this program is an investment in self. All people, regardless of their reading ability or what kind of student they may be, can improve their reading skills.

Courses listed below do not satisfy requirements as electives for any degree at Odessa College. Students who intend to transfer to another community college, senior college or university should check with that institution to determine whether hours earned in reading will transfer for degree credit.

Reading Writing Placement Holistic Considerations
351+ Essay 4 (MC 363+)
Essay 5+
College Ready N/A
351+ Essay 4
(MC below 363)
NCBW paired with ENGL 1301   HS Graduation Year (within 5 years)
HS GPA and Rank
HS English Grade(s)
Prior College Coursework
Financial Aid Eligibility
HS Standardized Test Scores
TSIA Critical Thinking Diagnostic
First Generation College Student
First Language
Diploma Type & Endorsement
346-350 Essay 3 or 4
(MC below 363)
INRW 373  (Bubble)
INRW 375  
342-345 Essay 3 or 4
(MC below 363)
INRW 375  
342-350 Essay score below 3 INRW 375  and
NCRW 0010
310-341 Essay 4 (MC 363+)
Essay 5+
NCBR 0010 paired with
HIST 1301  or HIST 1302  OR
NCBR 0005
Course Legend
333-341 Essay 3 or 4
(MC below 363)
INRW 375   NCBR: Non-course Competency Based Reading

NCBW: Non-course Competency Based Writing
NCRW: Non-course Competency Based Reading and Writing
INRW 0375: Advanced Integrated Reading and Writing
INRW 0373: Basic Integrated Reading and Writing
333-341 Essay below 3 INRW 0372 and
NCRW 0010
310-332 Essay 4 (MC 363+)
Essay 5+
INRW 375  
310 -332 Essay below 4
(MC below 363)
INRW 373  
TSIA Writing Placement score is considered only when essay score is 4.


MATH Score Placement Holistic Considerations
350+ College Ready N/A
347 – 349 MATH 1314 .QEP or MATH 375   HS Graduation Year (within 2 years)
HS GPA and Rank
HS Math Grade(s) & Courses
Prior College Coursework
Financial Aid Eligibility
HS Standardized Test Scores
First Generation College Student
Diploma Type & Endorsement
344 – 346 MATH 375  
341 – 343 MATH 375 .QEP or MATH 372  
337 – 340 MATH 372  
326 – 336 MATH 372 .QEP or MATH 371  
310 – 325 MATH 371  

Developmental Course Progression

Students who have completed their required developmental sequence with grades of “C” or higher in a subject area may enroll in the appropriate college level course and they will have satisfied the TSI requirement for the subject area.

Evaluation of Developmental Coursework From Other Institutions

Odessa College will apply the same standards for coursework transferred to OC as it applies to its resident coursework in terms of meeting the standards of the Success Initiative Plan. Transfer grades in developmental courses that are lower than the grade of “C” will not be sufficient for the student to advance to the next course in the sequence or to the first college level course. The only exception will be for official designation on a transcript or other official documentation materials that the student has successfully met the Success Initiative standards of the sending institution.

Dropping Developmental Classes

Students enrolled in developmental classes for compliance with Odessa College’s Success Initiative Plan and state law are expected to remain active in those classes so long as they are active in other classes. Should circumstances arise that make it critical for students to drop a developmental class while continuing with other classes, they will be allowed to do so, but only with the signature of their developmental teacher on the schedule change form. Students dropping a developmental class will also be required to sign a document provided by their instructor attesting that they fully understand the potential outcomes of the decision to drop.

Waiver of Developmental Course Requirements

A student enrolled for interim sessions or for summer school may elect to temporarily waive developmental requirements so long as the student does not enroll for a course or courses that require skills for areas in which the student has not met Success Initiative requirements.

When individual student circumstances warrant a temporary waiver, the vice president for instruction or designee may grant appropriate waivers to the college’s policy of continuous enrollment in developmental course work. The individual approving the exception will document that exception on the student’s developmental degree plan.

In the case where a student changes goals and pursues an approved Level I certificate, the student’s developmental requirements will be waived as long as the student follows the certificate plan.

College Readiness and Degree Completion

A student must demonstrate college readiness by meeting Success Initiative standards in all three of the skill areas to be eligible to receive an advanced skills (Level II) certificate or associate degree from Odessa College.

Residence Status for Tuition Purposes

Assessment of tuition and fees for students is based on the residency classification of the student. At Odessa College, a student’s residency status for tuition purposes will fall in one of four categories.

  1. In-district resident: Students who are 18 years or older must be residents of the state of Texas for 12 months immediately prior to their enrollment, including the immediately preceding six months as residents in Ector County. In the case of students younger than 18, their parents or legal guardian must meet the above criteria.
  2. Out-of-district resident: Students 18 years and older who have not lived within Ector County six months immediately prior to registration, but who have been a resident of Texas at least 12 months immediately prior to registration, are considered to be out-of-district students. In the case of students younger than 18, their parents or legal guardian must meet the above criteria.
  3. Out-of-state resident: United States citizens who are 18 years of age or older and who have not lived in Texas for at least 12 months immediately prior to registration are considered out-of-state residents. When students are younger than 18, their parent or legal guardian’s residence for the prior 12 months determines whether they are out-of-state residents.
  4. Foreign students: Foreign students are considered out-of-state residents.

Residence Requirements for Tuition Purposes

Students with 150 or more semester hours of college courses from Texas public institutions of higher education may be subject to out-of-state tuition rates.

The determination of a student’s legal residence for purposes of establishing the appropriate tuition rates is made at OC according to guidelines pursuant to Title III, Texas Education Code and Rules and Regulations for determining residence status as established by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

Copies of these guidelines are available for inspection in the Records Office or Admissions Office. Questions or disputes regarding interpretation of these guidelines should be directed to the Records Office.

Residency Classification: Student Responsibility

Students are responsible for registering under the proper residence classification. If there is any question regarding their right to classification as a resident of Texas for tuition purposes, students should inquire at the Records Office.

Students classified as non-residents for tuition purposes will remain in that classification as long as they attend OC or until they petition for and receive approval for a change of status. Students who have been classified as non-residents or out-of-district residents may petition for a change in their residency status prior to census day of a term. The right to petition for a change of residency status does not guarantee that a change will be approved. Students must meet the criteria set by the state concerning the burden of proof for residency and domicile, in order to be eligible for reclassification. Please contact the Records Office by phone at 432-335-6400 or on the first floor of the Saulsbury Campus Center for further information.

Students classified as residents but who become non-residents or out-of-district residents at any time by virtue of a change of a legal residency by their own action or by the person controlling their domicile are required to notify the Records Office. Students who submit a change of address that changes their status from resident to nonresident or out-of-district resident will be automatically reclassified by the Records Office.

Important Student Information Concerning Tuition

In recent years, the state legislature of Texas has implemented various legislation designed to provide financial incentives that encourage students to progress through their degree programs in a timely manner.

Texas Education Code §54.068 permits institutions of higher education to charge a higher rate of tuition to resident undergraduate students with repeated or excess hours. This higher rate is not to exceed the rate charged to non-resident undergraduate students.

Course Drop Limitations

This bill provides that, except for several specific instances of good cause, undergraduate students enrolling as first-time freshmen at a public institution of higher education in fall 2007 or later will be limited to a total of six dropped courses during their entire undergraduate career while attending any public institution in Texas.

Under section §51.907 of the Texas Education Code, “an institution of higher education may not permit a student to drop more than SIX courses, including any course a transfer student has dropped at another institution of higher education.” This statute was enacted by the State of Texas in spring 2007 and applies to students who enroll in a public institution of higher education as first-time freshmen in fall 2007 or later. Any course that a student was enrolled in for credit, but did not complete, is counted toward the six-course limit if:

  1. the student was able to drop the course without receiving a grade or incurring an academic penalty;
  2. the student’s transcript indicates or will indicate that the student was enrolled in the course; and
  3. the student is not dropping the course in order to withdraw from the institution.

The following exemptions for good cause could allow a student to drop a course without having it counted toward this limit, but it is the responsibility of the student to establish that good cause. Contact your Student Success Coach for more information before you drop a course.

  1. a severe illness or other debilitating condition that affects the student’s ability to satisfactorily complete a course;
  2. the student’s responsibility for the care of a sick, injured, or needy person if the provision of care affects the student’s ability to satisfactorily a course;
  3. the death of a person who:
    1. is considered to be a member of the student’s family under a rule adopted under this subsection for purposes of this subdivision; or
    2. is otherwise considered to have a sufficiently close relationship to the student under a rule adopted under this subsection that the person’s death is considered to be a showing of good cause;
  4. the active duty service as a member of the Texas National Guard or the armed forces of the United States of:
    1. the student; or
    2. a person who is considered to be a member of the student’s family under a rule adopted under this subsection for purposes of this subdivision.

Policies and procedures for implementation of this statute are being developed and will be published as soon as they are available.

Excess Credit Hours

Students who are Texas residents and enrolled in any public institution of higher education prior to Fall 1999 are exempt from the rules governing excess credit hours.

Students who are Texas residents and enrolled in any public institution of higher education for the first time fall 1999 or later are subject to the following legislative requirements:

  • Effective with students initially enrolling in the fall 1999 semester and subsequent terms, hours, including dual credit hours, attempted* by a resident undergraduate student that exceed more than 45 hours beyond the minimum number of hours required for their baccalaureate degree requirements at a Texas public senior college or university may be charged additional tuition, up to the level of that institution’s nonresident charges.
  • Effective with students initially enrolling in the fall 2006 semester and subsequent terms, hours, including dual credit hours, attempted* by a resident undergraduate student that exceed more than 30 hours beyond the minimum number of hours required for their baccalaureate degree requirements at a Texas public senior college or university may be charged additional tuition, up to the level of that institution’s nonresident charges.

Students who have not selected a major are considered, by state law, to have a degree requirement of 120 hours.

For purposes of excess hours, resident undergraduate student includes a nonresident student who is permitted to pay resident tuition.

*Attempted hours are defined as course hours that the student is enrolled in after the census day of the semester (12th day of the semester for fall and spring, 4th day of the semester for each summer session).

The following types of hours are exempt and are not subject to the limitation on formula funding set out in §13.103 of this title (relating to Limitation on Formula Funding for Excess Hours):

  1. hours earned by the student before receiving a bachelor’s degree that has been previously awarded to the student;
  2. hours earned through examination or similar method without registering for a course;
  3. hours from remedial and developmental courses, workforce education courses, or other courses that would not generate academic credit that could be applied to a degree at the institution if the course work is within the 27-hour limit at two-year colleges and the 18-hour limit at general academic institutions;
  4. hours earned by the student at a private institution or an out-of-state institution; and
  5. hours not eligible for formula funding.

Developmental Courses

Students may be charged a higher rate of tuition, not to exceed the rate charged to nonresident undergraduate students, for remedial and developmental courses for which a student has exceeded 18 hours of remedial and developmental courses in a general academic teaching institution, or 27 hours of remedial and developmental courses in a public community college, public technical college, or public state college.

Repeated Courses

Students may be charged a higher rate of tuition, not to exceed the rate charged to nonresident undergraduate students, for any hours for a course that is the same (or substantially similar to a course) that the student previously attempted for two or more times at the same institution.

The following types of hours are exempt and are not subject to the limitation on formula funding set out in §13.105 of this title (relating to Limitation on Formula Funding for Repeated Hours for Attempted Course).

  1. hours for remedial and development courses, if the course work is within the 27-hour limit at two-year colleges and the 18-hour limit at general academic institutions;
  2. hours for special topics and seminar courses;
  3. hours for courses that involve different or more advanced content each time they are taken, including but not limited to, individual music lessons, Workforce Education Courses, manual Special Topics courses (when the topic changes), theater practicum, music performance, ensembles, certain physical education and kinesiology courses, and studio art;
  4. hours for independent study courses; and
  5. hours for continuing education courses that must be repeated to retain professional certification.

Special Programs and Requirements

Health and Wellness for Students

Maintaining a healthy state of mind and body is important to student success in college. Even though Odessa College does not operate a student health clinic on campus, college services are available to provide referral options to a variety of local health care and other service facilities.

Students should contact the OC Pathways Advising Center at 432-335-6433 for assistance in locating needed services.

Important Information About Bacterial Meningitis

Important information for all first time students starting ANYTIME AFTER spring 2012:

Beginning January 2012, all first time students and students who have not attended during the fall or spring semester immediately prior to your admitted semester at any Texas college or university that are under the age of 22 are required to have the bacterial meningitis vaccination or booster. Students will not be able to register until proof of vaccination or booster is on file

Please check our Website on a regular basis for any updates or changes at www.odessa.edu. If you have any questions, please email the Admissions Office at admission@odessa.edu or call 432.335.6849.

All public colleges and universities in Texas are required by action of the 77th Texas Legislature to notify all new students about bacterial meningitis and the potential health risks from that disease. The following information is provided for all students in compliance with the legislation.

Bacterial meningitis is a serious, potentially deadly disease that can progress extremely fast – so take utmost caution. It is an inflammation of the membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord. Bacteria that cause meningitis can also infect the blood. This disease strikes about 3,000 Americans each year, including 100-125 on college campuses, leading to 5-15 deaths among college students every year. There is a treatment, but those who survive may develop severe health problems or disabilities.

Due to increased risk for students living in close proximity and as required by the 81st Texas Legislature, all new students moving into on-campus housing facilities in the State of Texas must be vaccinated at least 10 days prior to moving into the residence hall or apartment unit.

What are the symptoms?

  • High fever
  • Severe headache
  • Rash or purple patches on skin
  • Vomiting
  • Light sensitivity
  • Stiff neck
  • Confusion and sleepiness
  • Nausea
  • Lethargy
  • Seizures

There may be a rash of tiny, red-purple spots caused by bleeding under the skin. These can occur anywhere on the body.

Increased numbers of symptoms mean higher risk, so when these symptoms appear seek immediate medical attention.

How is bacterial meningitis diagnosed?

  • Diagnosis is made by a medical provider and is usually based on a combination of clinical symptoms and laboratory results from spinal fluid and blood tests.
  • Early diagnosis and treatment can greatly improve the likelihood of recovery.

How is the disease transmitted?

  • The disease is transmitted when people exchange saliva (such as by kissing, or by sharing drinking containers, utensils, cigarettes, toothbrushes, etc.) or come in contact with respiratory or throat secretions.

How do you increase your risk of getting meningitis?

  • Exposure to saliva by sharing cigarettes, water bottles, eating utensils, food, kissing, etc.
  • Living in close conditions (such as sharing a room/suite in a dorm or group home).

What are the possible consequences of the disease?

  • Death (in 8 to 24 hours from perfectly well to dead)
  • Permanent brain damage
  • Kidney failure
  • Learning disability
  • Hearing loss, blindness
  • Limb damage (fingers, toes, arms, legs) that requires amputation
  • Gangrene
  • Coma
  • Convulsions

Can the disease be treated?

  • Antibiotic treatment, if received early, can save lives and chances of recovery are increased. However, permanent disability or death can still occur.
  • Vaccinations are available and should be considered for:
    • Those living in close quarters
    • College students 25 years old or younger
  • Vaccinations are effective against four of the five most common bacterial types that cause 70 percent of the disease in the U.S. (but do not protect against all types of meningitis).
  • Vaccinations take 7-10 days to become effective, with protection lasting 3-5 years.
  • The cost of vaccine varies so check with your health care provider.
  • Vaccination is very safe – most common side effects are redness and minor pain at the injection site for up to two days.

How do you find out more information?


Students enrolled in health-related higher education courses that involve direct patient contact with potential exposure to blood or bodily fluids in educational, medical, or dental care facilities must comply with state mandated immunization requirements. These requirements are found in Title 25, Chapter 97, Subchapter B of the Texas Administrative Code, amended May 25, 2010.

Students must have the following vaccinations before they can engage in direct patient care activities:

  1. Tetanus-diphtheria – One dose of tetanus-diphtheria toxoid (Td) is required within the last 10 years. The booster may be in the form of a tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis containing vaccine (Tdap).
  2. Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccines – A student born on or after January 1, 1957, must show acceptable evidence of vaccination of two doses of measles-containing vaccine administered since January 1, 1968 (preferably MMR vaccine).
  3. Students born on or after January 1, 1957, must show acceptable evidence of vaccination of one dose of mumps vaccine, usually the MMR vaccine.
  4. Students must show acceptable evidence of one dose of rubella vaccine, usually the MMR vaccine.
  5. Hepatitis B Vaccine – Students are required to receive a complete series of hepatitis B vaccine prior to the start of direct patient care or show serological confirmation of immunity to hepatitis B virus.
  6. Varicella Vaccine – Students are required to have received one dose of varicella (chickenpox) vaccine on or after the student’s first birthday, or if the first dose was administered on or after the student’s thirteenth birthday, two doses of varicella vaccine are required.

Acceptable evidence of Vaccinations:

  1. Vaccines administered after September 1, 1991, shall include the month, day, and year each vaccine was administered.
  2. Documentation of vaccines administered that include the signature or stamp of the physician or his/her designee, or public health personnel, is acceptable.
  3. An official immunization record generated from a state or local health authority is acceptable.
  4. An official record received from school officials, including a record from another state, is acceptable.

Serologic confirmations of immunity (laboratory blood testing) to measles, rubella, mumps, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, or varicella, constitute acceptable documentation for the immunization requirements. Documentation must consist of a valid laboratory report.

The student must complete the required vaccines on schedule in accordance with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule as approved by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), and the American College of Physicians. Students not completing the vaccine requirements on schedule are subject to dismissal from the health occupations program at Odessa College.

Registration Process

Credit Classes

Odessa College allows students to register in person or on the web using Student Planner during scheduled registration events (see the Academic Calendar online at www.odessa.edu). Students new to OC must complete the admissions process (see Index for admissions information pages) before they are allowed to register for classes.

Students who are enrolled for credit classes at OC may continue to enroll from one semester to the next as long as they remain in good scholastic standing and have no outstanding debts to the college. Students who return to OC after one or more semesters of non-enrollment in credit classes must verify the accuracy of their contact information, reaffirm residency status for tuition purposes, and supply appropriate transcripts if the student has attended any other college or university since first admission to OC.

Academic Advising and Scholastic Planning

Academic advising is an important part of the registration process that takes place in advance of actual registration. Each student has a reason for attending Odessa College and should plan his or her course of study accordingly. Student Success Coaches and faculty are available to assist students in academic planning and academic advising.

In addition to helping students plan class schedules and take courses needed for degree completion or transfer preparation, Student Success Coaches can provide insight, encouragement and referral services for students to make good decisions and to fulfill their individual educational goals.


The college designates specific dates and times for registration for upcoming semester or summer sessions. Exact dates and times of each registration event are published in the Academic Calendar for each semester, which is available online at www.odessa.edu. Students are strongly encouraged to utilize the web-based registration. New students (first time in college or transfer students) and returning students who have not enrolled in credit classes at OC within the last calendar year must complete the application or reapplication process before registering for classes. Special information sessions for new students are held regularly. For more information call the OC Pathways Advising Center at 432-335-6400.

In most cases, students who are enrolled at OC or who have been enrolled within the past calendar year are automatically eligible to participate in registration activities online through Student Planner at https://webadvisor.odessa.edu/. All fees due for registration must be paid in full at the time designated for each semester in the Academic Calendar. Students are responsible to drop or withdraw from any course the student does not pay for or does not intend to attend.

Late Registration

By state law, there is a deadline for registering for college classes. The last day to register for a course is the first day the course meets in that term.

To determine the specific information about the last day to register for college classes, consult the college’s Academic Calendar for the appropriate term.


To determine the specific information about the last day to register for college classes, consult the college’s Academic Calendar for the appropriate semester. Students who have been cleared to register on Student Planner may change their schedules online, although no student may drop a course on the Web. Students wishing to drop a developmental course must see their developmental instructor, who is authorized to make changes to students’ developmental course placement. Students may not completely withdraw from all semester courses by use of the Web.

A schedule change fee of $25 will be charged for all changes made once the term begins, except those initiated by the college or those processed by the student on the Web.

Extension and Other Off-Campus Registration

Students who attend classes at extension centers are strongly encouraged to register using the Student Planner system after consulting with their Student Success Coach. Students in certain allied health fields will be registered by their Student Success Coach. These students must consult their success coach for authorization to register on the Student Planner and/or to request to be registered for the appropriate courses.

Student Success Course

Strategies for Success courses are designed to assist students as they gain the knowledge necessary to function effectively in a college environment. To improve student success, the courses will teach basic academic skills and provide information about available campus resources. Students will be encouraged to develop more definite career plans and a plan to fit their educational goals. Students will also have a contact point with an Odessa College professional (their Student Success Coach) during the most critical weeks of their college career.

COLL 0171 Strategies for Success  is designed to ensure that all non-concurrent college students who are taking at least three credit hours but have not yet accumulated 12 credit hours develop the basic educational skills necessary for college success. Strategies for Success uses AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) strategies to enhance the student’s learning experience. This course includes note taking and time management strategies as well as learning style assessments and vital academic study skills. Students must enroll in and successfully complete (C or better) COLL 0171  or must re-enroll in the course the following semester. Students who are TSI (Texas Success Initiative, 2003) liable in two or more of the three developmental areas – reading, writing and math – may not enroll in a web course, but must take the course face-to-face. One-hour courses are offered during spring, summer and fall semesters. COLL 0171  does not satisfy requirements for any degree plan at Odessa College but is an institutional requirement.

Workforce and Continuing Education – Non-Credit Registration

Registration and payment of tuition is required prior to the beginning of each course. Students are encouraged to sign up early for a class, since some classes fill up quickly or have limited space available.

To register, contact the Continuing Education Office in person, by phone, Internet or fax (using a major credit card) or by mail. For contact information, visit https://www.odessa.edu/community/ce/index.html. The Continuing Education Office is located in the Gregory D. Williams Hall.

Audit of Credit Classes

Students who want to register for a regular credit class on an audit basis must adhere to the following regulations:

  1. A student may not register for an audit until the first class day.
  2. Audit permission must be obtained from the appropriate department chair and the Registrar.
  3. There must be seats available before an auditing student will be permitted to enter a particular class.
  4. Auditing students are not required to meet course prerequisites listed in the catalog.
  5. Students auditing a course may not under any circumstances claim credit for the course.
  6. A student registering for a course may not change from audit to credit or from credit to audit after the census day. Requests for status change must be made in the Records Office.
  7. Charges for auditing a course are the same as for regular registration.

Students 65 years of age and older who are residents of Ector County qualify for exemption of tuition, student services fees, and activity fees for up to six (6) credit hours per semester on a space available basis, as described above.

Identification Cards

Odessa College requires photo identification cards for all on-campus, credit-hour students. ID cards are used for admission to Student Activities events, athletic events, fine arts presentations, library privileges, obtaining copies of transcripts and student schedules.

Full information regarding ID cards can be obtained from the Wrangler Express in the Saulsbury Campus Center.

Parking on Campus

A permit is required for each vehicle (including motorcycles and mopeds) parked on campus. The parking permit is issued by the Wrangler Express when students pay their tuition and fees. Students also may purchase an additional permit at the Wrangler Express during registration or at other times of the year during regular office hours. A copy of parking regulations is available at the Wrangler Express or from the Campus Police Office.

Continuing education students will be provided a courtesy parking sticker when they register for non-credit classes.

Vehicles parked on campus without a permit properly displayed will be issued a Citation. Failure to pay fines assessed by all citations will result in holds placed on registration and transcripts.

All vehicles must be parked in the appropriate parking spaces:

  Visitors - white spaces  
  Students - yellow spaces  
  Employees - blue spaces  

Student Records

Accuracy of Student Records

It is the responsibility of each student to keep his or her record accurate and up-to-date. Changes in name, social security number, address, telephone number, and email address must be submitted to the Records Office. These submissions must be made in writing. Visit the Odessa College website at www.odessa.edu and locate the Records Office home page from the departmental index. Under forms and procedures is a form for changing demographic information. The form must be completed and signed and returned to the Records Office by mail or by fax, (432) 335-6303. The Records Office may require supporting documentation for these changes.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and Educational Record Inspection and Amendments

Odessa College complies fully with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. FERPA affords students certain rights with respect to their education records, such as:

  1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days from the day the Records Office receives a written request for access. The written request should identify the specific record(s) the student wishes to inspect. The Records Office will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place for records to be inspected. If the Records Office does not maintain the records, the student will be advised of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed. If the student requests copies of his/her records, appropriate copies will be made at a cost to the student of $0.15 per page. Letters waiving student’s right to review will be excluded.
  2. The right to request an amendment of the student’s education record that the student believes is inaccurate or misleading. The request must be made in writing, identifying the record he/she wants changed, and specifying why it is inaccurate or misleading. The registrar, in consultation with the appropriate official, will examine the request and make a decision with regard to the request for amendment. If approved, the amendment will be made and the student notified. If the amendment is denied, the student will be notified of the decision and advised of his/her right to a hearing. Information regarding hearing procedures will be provided to the student at that time. If the student requests a hearing, the registrar will arrange the time and place and the student will be notified. The officials involved in the hearing process include the registrar, vice president for instruction, vice president for student services and the instructional dean over the division affected by the request. The vice president for instruction and the vice president for student services serve as the presiding officials. The decision of the presiding officials is final. Any objections to this decision by the student, instructional dean or registrar will be documented in the minutes of the hearing. Changes of grades are an exception and the current grade change policy, published in this catalog, is not affected by a student’s right to request an amendment to his or her educational records.
  3. The right to restrict disclosures of personally identifiable information (a.k.a. directory information) contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception, which permits disclosure without consent, is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is defined as a person employed by the college in an administrative, supervisory, academic, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit and health staff); a person or company with whom the college has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); a person serving on the board of trustees; or another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if he/she needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his/her professional responsibility. The second exception permits disclosure of personally identifiable information to governing agencies to which the college must report. The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) collects both directory and non-directory information (including social security numbers) regarding students enrolled at Odessa College. Any student who objects to the disclosure of directory information may do so by completing the appropriate form in the Records Office in the Saulsbury Campus Center. That form is available on the Records Office Web page at https://www.odessa.edu/current-students/records/index.html. The registrar will relay the objection to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB), who will restrict disclosure of student information to third parties.
  4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the college to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is:

Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, S.W.
Washington, DC 20202-4605

Directory Information

Odessa College classifies the following student data as directory information: name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, field of study, enrollment status, degrees, certificates and other awards received, type of award(s) received, dates of attendance, student classification, and name of most recent previous educational institution attended. Other information cannot be released without signed authorization from the student. The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) collects directory and non-directory information. A student may elect to restrict the disclosure of directory information by completing the appropriate form in the Records Office. Contact the Records Office for additional information regarding the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).