Sep 10, 2024  
2022-2023 Student Handbook 
2022-2023 Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Rights/Responsibilities

Once an individual has paid tuition and fees, that person is classified as a student at Odessa College. It is each student’s responsibility to be aware of the rights, responsibilities and opportunities indicated in:

  • The Odessa College Bulletin/Catalog of courses
  • The Schedule of Classes
  • The Student Handbook
  • The Resident Handbook
  • Departmental/Divisional Handbooks (Varies)

Odessa College endeavors to ensure the constitutional rights of each of its students. It also endeavors to provide each student with the type of environment that will maximize his/her education. To this purpose, the college has set certain rules, regulations and policies in order to ensure an educational environment. It is within the framework of state, local and federal laws as well as college regulations that the student must comply in order to assert his/her freedoms while at Odessa College. The college has the obligation of providing policies to guarantee a student’s rights, while the student has the responsibility of abiding by the rules and regulations of the college.

The Four Student Commitments

Odessa College students are committed to being successful in life and career. Part of the preparedness for a successful life after Odessa College involves self-commitments that ensure the path to graduation or other identified academic goal is possible. Therefore, students at Odessa College have endorsed the following four commitments:

  • Commit to completing what you start.
  • Commit to attending class and attempting each assignment.
  • Commit to asking questions and using support resources.
  • Commit to developing well organized and disciplined work habits

Posting Policy

In displaying announcements of interest, students may use designated spaces, bulletin boards or approved surfaces located in the Saulsbury Campus Center and in other campus locations. Those bulletin boards with specific headings or glass-enclosed boards are for official use and may not be used for posting student announcements unless prior approval has been secured from the Student Life Office. Posters may be displayed for a period not to exceed two weeks before a scheduled event and should be removed on the next class day following the advertised event. Posters requiring a lengthier posting period will be considered on a case by case basis and require approval from the Student Activities Director. Prior approval of all postings should be secured from the Student Life Office or Student Activities Director and all flyers must display the appropriate stamp of approval. The College reserves the right to remove any unauthorized poster or sign. Students are requested to use masking tape when displaying posters. The full posting policy is available in the Student Life Office located on the 2nd floor of the Saulsbury Campus Center. For non-campus related postings, please see Odessa College Human Resources.

Security of/Access to Buildings

All buildings are opened by 7:00 a.m. Monday through Friday and will be closed and secured as soon as possible after the offices close; or in the case of a classroom building, after the last class of the day. Buildings are normally closed on Saturday and Sunday. Students should not be in a building alone after normal closing hours. The buildings are secured by the campus police, and it is their responsibility to make regular checks of each building to ensure that they remain locked. Outdoor lighting is a priority for campus safety/security. The College has attempted to ensure that all areas of the campuses are lighted, especially around parking lots, walkways, classrooms, and areas frequently traveled by students and college personnel. Students and staff members are encouraged to report lights that need replacing to a Campus Police officer at 432-238-6334 or Physical Plant at 432-335-6512