Feb 14, 2025
2023-2024 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
BIOL 1406 - Biology for Science Majors I
(formerly: General Biology I) CIP Code: 26.01015103 Credit(s): 4 This course is a study of the organizational
aspects of cells from molecular to organismic
levels. Students learn to understand and interpret
terms and discover principles covering cell
anatomy cell biochemistry cellular respiration
photosynthesis cell reproduction evolution
ecology and genetics. In laboratory activities
students learn to perform basic mathematical
calculations of converting between the metric and
English systems of measurement acquire
experimental data and apply reason to the
interpretation of principles underlying the
observations including cause and effect
relationships. Designed as a transferable lab
science course for science majors. Lab fee
required. 1,2,3,4,5
Registration Restrictions: Pass TSI Reading Requirement
Pass TSI Math Requirement Faculty Consent: N