Feb 16, 2025
2022-2023 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
BIOL 2421 - Microbiology for Science Majors CIP Code: 26.05035103 Credit(s): 4 Students learn specific information and concepts in the classification structure cultivation and ecology of microorganisms. Students learn mathematical calculations of growth parameters and the effectiveness of chemotherapeutic agents. Students learn terminology specific information and concepts of the relationships between microorganisms and human life. Cause and effect relationships between microbial growth and human disease interpretation of symtomatic and laboratory information in diagnosis of disease prevention of disease and treatment of disease are stressed. Lab fee required. 1,2,3,4,5,6
Prerequisite(s): TAKE 1 OF THE FOLLOWING GROUPS # BIOL 1406 BIOL 1407 ; # BIOL 2401 BIOL 2402 ;# CHEM 1311 BIOL 1406 ; CHEM 1311 BIOL 1407 ; MINIMUM GRADE ‘C’
Requisite(s): TAKE 1 OF THE FOLLOWING GROUPS # BIOL 1406 BIOL 1407 ; # BIOL 2401 BIOL 2402 ;# CHEM 1311 CHEM 1312 ; MINIMUM GRADE ‘C’ Faculty Consent: N