Sep 19, 2024  
2024-2025 Student Handbook 
2024-2025 Student Handbook

Campus Carry & Weapons

Campus Carry

Texas Senate Bill 11 (SB 11) was passed by the Texas Legislature and was signed into law by Governor Greg Abbott on June 1, 2015. It is often referred to as “Campus Carry,” and it permits individuals with a license to carry or a concealed handgun license to carry a concealed weapon on public junior college campuses in Texas beginning August 1, 2017.  Carrying concealed handguns by license holders will be prohibited in:

  • The Childcare Center and playground facilities
  • OC TECHS – Odessa Career and Technical Education High School
  • OCA - Odessa Collegiate Academy
  • Campus locations used for governmental meetings or as polling places

The college will not provide weapon storage facilities in campus buildings or campus residence halls.

Please note: House Bill 910 (the “Open Carry” law), was also signed by the Governor in January of 2015; however, institutions of higher education were exempted from “Open Carry” legislation.  As such, Open Carry anywhere on the Odessa College campus or college-owned/leased facilities is prohibited and will be considered a violation of state law.   More information can be found on the Odessa College website.


A student shall not intentionally, knowingly or recklessly possess or go onto school premises with any prohibited weapon, as defined below, unless pursuant to written regulations or written authorization of the College. Texas Penal Code 46.03(a).

Prohibited weapons are defined as follows:

  • A firearm (any device designed, made or adapted to expel a projectile through a barrel by using the energy generated by an explosion or burning substance or any device readily convertible to that use). Texas Penal Code 46.03(a), 46.01 (3)
  • An illegal knife (knife with a blade over five and one-half inches, hand instrument designed to cut, stab or be thrown at another - dagger, Bowie knife, sword, spear). Texas Penal Code 46.03(a), 46.01 (6)
  • An explosive weapon (any explosive or incendiary bomb, grenade, rocket or mine that is designed, made or adapted for the purpose of inflicting serious bodily injury, death or substantial property damage, or for the principal purpose of causing such a loud report as to cause undue public alarm or terror, and includes a device designed, made or adapted for delivery or shooting an explosive weapon). Texas Penal Code 46.01 (2)
  • A machine gun (any firearm that is capable of shooting more than two shots automatically, without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger). Texas Penal Code 46.01 (9)
  • A short-barrel firearm (rifle with a barrel length of less than 16 inches or a shotgun with a barrel length of less than 18 inches, or any weapon made from a rifle or shotgun that, as altered, has an overall length of less than 26 inches). Texas Penal Code 46.01 (1 0)
  • A switchblade knife (any knife with a blade that folds, closes or retracts into the handle or sheath and that opens automatically by pressing a button or by the force of gravity or centrifugal force). Texas Penal Code 46.01(11)
  • Knuckles (any instrument consisting of finger rings or guards made of a hard substance that is designed, made or adapted for the purpose of inflicting serious bodily injury or death by striking a person with a fist enclosed in the knuckles). Texas Penal Code 46.01 (8)
  • Armor-piercing ammunition (handgun ammunition that is designed primarily for the purpose of penetrating metal or body armor and to be used primarily in pistols and revolvers). Texas Penal Code 46.01(12)
  • A chemical dispensing device (device other than a small chemical dispenser sold commercially for personal protection, that is designed, made or adapted for the purpose of causing an adverse psychological or physiological effect on a human being). Texas Penal Code 46.01(14)
  • A zip gun (a device or combination of devices that was not originally a firearm and is adapted to expel a projectile through a smooth-bore or rifled-bore barrel by using the energy generated by an explosion or burning substance). Texas Penal Code 46.01 (16)
  • A club (an instrument specially designed, made, or adapted for the purpose of inflicting serious bodily injury or death by striking a person with the instrument, including a blackjack, nightstick, mace, and tomahawk). Texas Penal Code 46.01 (1), 46.03(a), 46.05(a)

Students may not bring to any campus or a college-related activity any weapons prohibited by law or any other object, including school/college supplies, used in a way that threatens or inflicts bodily injury on another person.

The possession or use of articles not generally considered to be weapons may be prohibited when the college president or designee determines that a danger exists for any student, college employee or college property by virtue of possession or use.

Lockers and cars parked on college premises may be inspected by college personnel if there is reasonable cause to believe they contain weapons illegally.