Feb 14, 2025  
2024-2025 Academic Catalog 
2024-2025 Academic Catalog

International Baccalaureate (IB) Program

International Baccalaureate (IB) Program

Odessa College recognizes the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program. Students may receive college credit for courses taken in an IB program if one of the following conditions apply:

Option 1: Odessa College will award at least 24 semester hours of course-specific credit in subject-appropriate areas on all IB exam scores of 4 or higher as long as the incoming freshman has earned an IB diploma. If a score of 3 or lower is achieved on any course in this diploma, this option is invalid. The student must supply an official high school transcript indicating that the IB Diploma has been earned before college credit will be awarded. College credit will be awarded according to the chart below, but no letter grade will be assigned. Credit thus awarded will not be calculated into a student’s official grade point average. The credit awarded will appear on the transcript as “AWC” in place of a letter grade. Credit earned in this manner will not be used to reduce any residence requirements in a degree program and credit will not be awarded by IB scores of 3 or lower. This may mean that the student will not receive 24 hours of college credit, regardless of the completion of the IB Diploma. Credit will not be awarded for an IB exam for a college course the student has completed previously or is currently enrolled in. An official IB score report, or an official transcript, must be received by the Odessa College Testing Center before credit will be awarded.

Option 2: If a student does not earn an IB diploma, credit may be granted according to the following chart. Credit earned in this manner may not be used to reduce residence requirements in any degree program nor will the credit count as part of a student’s official grade point average. An official IB score report, or an official transcript, must be received by the Odessa College Testing Center before credit will be awarded.

English 1A   4
ENGL 1301  or ENGL 1302 *
ENGL 1301  and ENGL 1302  
Spanish A2 or B 5 4
SPAN 1411, 1412
SPAN1411, 1412, SPAN 2311 , SPAN 2312  
Business & Management 5 4 BUSI 1301   3
Economics 5 4 ECON 2301  and 2301 6
Geography 5 4
HIST 1301  or HIST 1302 
HIST 1301  and HIST 1302  
History 5 4
HIST 1301  and HIST 1302 
HIST 1301  and HIST 1302  
Philosophy 5 4
PSYC 2301   3
Psychology 5 4
PSYC 2301 
PSYC 2301  and PSYC 2314  
Biology 4 5 BIOL 1408 
BIOL 1406  
Chemistry 6 5 CHEM 1305  + CHEM 1105 
CHEM 1311  + CHEM 1111  
Physics   6 PHYS 1401  and PHYS 1402   8
Mathematics (HL only)   4 MATH 2413   4
Visual Arts 5 4 ARTS 1301   3
Music 5 4 MUSI 1306   3

* ENGL 1302  credit is awarded if the prerequisite credit has already been earned

Academic Transcripts

The record of a student’s academic history is known as the academic transcript. An official transcript bearing the signature of the registrar, along with the seal of the college, is the document used to transfer college courses from one college to another.

The student’s official Odessa College transcript is obtained through the Records Office. The college has also partnered with National Student Clearinghouse to provide fast and free service of electronic (digital) and paper (mailed) transcripts. Visit https://www.odessa.edu/current-students/records/index.html to request a transcript online.

Requests may also be submitted in writing using the OC form. Persons presenting requests at the Records Office, located in the Saulsbury Campus Center will be asked to show a picture identification card. If a third party is requesting the transcript for a student, the third party must have written permission from the student stating they may pick up the transcript. The third party must show a picture identification card matching the name stated in the written request. Written requests may be made via letter or on a transcript request form that has been signed and dated. Forms are available from the Records Office or on the web. The completed form must then be mailed, or scanned and emailed, to the Records Office.

Persons requesting transcripts by mail should send the signed form to Records Office, Odessa College, 201 W. University, Odessa, TX 79764 or email the signed request form to the Records Office at Records@odessa.edu.

Official transcripts will not be issued for students with unmet financial obligations to the college. College records are protected under FERPA regulations (see the Index for information regarding FERPA).

An official transcript will not be released until all financial and academic obligations to the college have been satisfied. A hold is placed on a student’s records, including grades and transcript, when the student fails to resolve financial obligations with the college. For all financial debts of $500 or more, the hold will remain in effect for 10 business days after payment has been made.